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Boats, Safety, Seamanship / Safety at Sea: The Use of Jacklines
« Last post by Brian on May 13, 2016, 07:00:15 PM »
The following is from "The Beacon", January 2016 edition:

Safety at Sea: The Use of Jack Lines

All boating activity that takes place off shore, out of the sight of shore, or near shore where the conditions MIGHT exceed 3’ waves, with or without the handicap of fog or darkness is a dangerous environment for a man-over-board (M.O.B.) situation. If you are fortunate enough to immediately know there is a M.O.B. situation it is very tough to spot a 1’ diameter sphere (like a head) in a life jacket, bobbing between the waves. It the M.O.B. situation is not immediately recognized, or there is darkness or fog, the recovery becomes very doubtful.

By far the best solution is to eliminate the M.O.B. risk with the use of Jack Lines. Multiple Jack Lines should be installed between secure fixed attachment points so that every crew member that is at risk of going off the boat by any means is restrained by a body harness (optionally integrated with an inflatable life jacket) that is connected to a tether and snapped on to a Jack Line that will accommodate the tether sliding along the line to any needed destination on all open deck areas. The jack Lines can be fabricated from nylon webbing or other material with a working strength of at least 1,000 lbs. The lines should be designed to run between cleats, chain plates, or other heavy duty connection points. The line should be custom made and have a loop in the ends that folds back on itself at least 2’ and double stitched the full length of the 2’ length with heavy nylon thread and then pull tested to verify secure attachment. The tether can be made the same way and several should be fabricated in 4’ and 6’ lengths, each tether can be used either full length or doubled over to provide 2’ and 3’ options. Basic principal – never go overboard, and REQUIRE your crew to be safe.

See this video ( Capt. John.

John Harris, JN
General Discussion / Colorado Sailing
« Last post by Brian on May 13, 2016, 05:19:46 PM »
Colorado Sailing Guide

Aspen Yacht Club
The Aspen Yacht Club was started in 1968 for the purpose of promoting the development of sailing. Perhaps the best asset of the club is there is no electricity, running water, or cell service, so members can truly enjoy spending quality time sailing during the summer months in the Colorado Rocky Mountains!

Carter Lake Sailing Club
Located in Loveland, they have an active racing program for sailors of all experience levels. The highlight of the racing season is the Carter Lake Open the first weekend of June each year. For club racing there is a spring, summer, and fall series along with several other race events. The club has active one-design and PHRF fleets along with a youth sailing program. 

Colorado Sail and Yacht Club
Located in Littleton. The Colorado Sail and Yacht Club has been racing sailboats on Chatfield Reservoir since 1996. Every Wednesday about thirty keelboats face off in spirited races after the workday is done and it is time to play. Whether you are an avid racer, have a boat in the yard that needs dusting off, or have never sailed before, we can find a place for you. Racing with CSYC not only improves your sailing, but also gives you a regular cadence - you become dedicated to sailing at least once per week.

Community Sailing of Colorado
Located in Denver, Longmont, and Boulder. The junior racing team is a great way for novice sailors to quickly surpass the hurdles while learning to sail with peers. Sailors are encouraged to participate in competitive regattas (sailing races) both in and out of state. Competitive sailing here in Colorado is a great pathway to lead young athletes toward college sailing and beyond. This program is aimed at junior and high school age students. Other programs are open to people of all ages.

  Denver Sailing Association
Located in Denver, with organized racing programs that are held on Cheery Creek Lake from April through October. With 4 complete series and 3 annual regatta’s, Denver Sailing Association offers plenty of opportunity for you to get involved.

Dillon Yacht Club
Located in the town of Dillon, the Dillon Yacht Club offers sailing, yacht racing, entertainment, food and special events on beautiful Lake Dillon in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Located just west of the Continental Divide and surrounded by 13,000 ft peaks, you are guaranteed some very exciting sailing conditions. Because of this, Dillon sailors are known to be some of the best in the Rocky Mountain region.

Grand Lake Yacht Club
Located in Grand Lake, the Grand Lake Yacht Club was incorporated in May of 1902 with a membership of four. Two of them - Harry Bryant, Richard Crawford Campbell - competed in the club's first racing later that summer, dueling in rowboats outfitted with homemade sails. The members elected Bryant the club's first commodore. Since that time the club continues a competitive tradition, and has constructed a new club house for members.

Harper Lake Model Yacht Club
Located in Louisville, this club holds races on Saturdays between April and November, weather permitting. Their model boats are like larger boats, except that they are remote controlled from shore. For those interested in racing tactics and strategies, this club offers the ideal way to practice! Membership is $20 per year. You can’t go wrong. Come and watch them between 1000 and 1300 Saturdays.

Lake Granby Yacht Club
At 8280 feet, LGYC is one of the highest-elevation yacht clubs in the world. Lake Granby nestles under the shoulder of the towering Continental Divide, deep within the Rocky Mountains. Granby, together with neighboring Grand Lake and Shadow Mountain Reservoir are the headwaters of the Colorado River, which here begins its run to the Sea of Cortez.

Salty Dog Sailing Club
The Club hosts about 12 partial-day sails or weekend sails each season at area lakes. Three-day weekend sails may include Granby, Dillon, and Pueblo, as well as McConaughy in Nebraska and Glendo in Wyoming.

Union Sailing Club
Located in Longmont, the Union Sailing Club is one of Colorado's largest and most active sailing clubs with weekly racing in the spring, summer and fall. Several regattas, social events, youth activities, and clinics open to the general sailing public are also hosted each year. Instruction is also offered. Club boats are available on a limited basis for rental to experienced sailors.

Boulder Reservior
Boulder Reservoir is a 700-acre, multi-use recreation and water-storage facility, owned and managed by the City of Boulder and operated as a water supply by the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District.

Lake Pueblo State Park
Lake Pueblo State Park is one of Colorado's most popular water sport and fishing destinations featuring over 60 miles of shoreline and 4,500 acres of surface water. Full service marinas and a diversity of campsites welcome guests to stay awhile. Water recreation includes sailing, motor-boating, waterskiing, river tubing and prime fishing. Boaters choose from two full-service marinas and boat ramps.

Adapted from The Boulder Beacon, May 2016 edition
Cruising Presentations and Checklists / BVI Rendezvous - Winter 2016
« Last post by hammond on May 01, 2015, 12:47:55 PM »
We will use this Forum Topic for gathering interest and planning for a Winter 2016 Rendezvous in the British Virgin Islands.

Please Post your interest by logging in with your account.
Boating Maintenance & Technology / Trailer-Boating Safety: Lessons Learned
« Last post by RonS on April 14, 2015, 08:48:05 AM »
Give your trailer a spring checkup to be ready for the boating season. The attachment will give you some ideas.
Cruising Presentations and Checklists / Chesapeake Cruising by member John B. Schurr
« Last post by RonS on January 23, 2014, 04:25:09 PM »
The attached, edited article by BVSPS member John B. Schurr, N,  first appeared in the USPS newsletter "Deep Six" in the February through May, 1983, issues. It appears through the courtesy of John and is intended to provide background for, and encourage participation in, the BVSPS Cruise of the Chesapeake Bay in May-June 2014.
Boating Maintenance & Technology / How to Center your Rig (educational video)
« Last post by RonS on April 04, 2013, 10:45:21 PM »
Member Jo Davies found a helpful video on the UK Sailmakers web site. The link to the Learning Videos and Articles section of the site is:

Click on How to Center your Rig. You'll need to register to view the video, but that is free and simple. Your e-mail address is your login.

Jo checked that it is OK for us to reference the video.
Cruising Presentations and Checklists / Chartering and Safety Checklist
« Last post by Webmaster on January 08, 2013, 02:08:55 PM »
One of our members sent out a couple of nice checklists.  One is entitled Another Charter Checklist and the other Recommended Safety Equipment.  I will attach them here.

Thanks Keith!
General Discussion / Take the National Safe Boating Test
« Last post by Webmaster on January 08, 2013, 06:55:49 AM »
The US Sail & Power Squadrons have developed a National Safe Boating Test. 

NBST: Test Your Knowledge
General Discussion / Community Forum - Getting Started
« Last post by Webmaster on January 06, 2013, 11:37:23 PM »
Overview: This Colorado Boating Forum is a public "bulletin board", or message board, for any topic related to boating.  It is an online forum for sharing information among the Boating Community on the Internet. The message board format is based on categories and boards, where new topics are posted by  logged-in users. These topics can then be replied to by other users. Use it to share information, ask questions, or start a conversation. Each post may be accompanied by attached files or photos. Refer to the HELP menu for specific instructions, or send an Email to the webmaster as noted below.

Host: This forum is hosted by America's Boating Club of ColoradoTM.

Posting: When creating a new entry on the message board select the appropriate category or board first; then select "New Topic"; then create a subject and message that you will submit using the post button.

Access: The forum is a public forum that any interested boater may register for.  There is also "private-members only" area that can only be accessed by users that register and supply their ABC/USPS Membership number for verification.
Send any questions or comments to:
Boats, Safety, Seamanship / Re: CASE HISTORIES OF CREW OVERBOARD
« Last post by Brian on January 05, 2013, 05:14:26 PM »
The "Topic" design of this forum allows a user to create a thread of discussion on a particular subject.  Only those that are participating in the thread will receive a mail notification (if they so desire) when updates are made to the thread.  Otherwise, users will see the Topic highlighted as "new content" the next time they login so that they can peruse the new entries since last time they logged in. It is nice to come back each week or month and be able to see only the new things.  It is a pretty cool system that I believe has a lot of potential!

For example:
I posted this "Topic" primarily to share what I thought was some good educational boating information - perfect for advocates/trainers of USPS educational development.  Although the system Help does not really describe using the Forum in this manner I am an information junkie (I like to share on the internet), so I think this design works pretty well for sharing content. One of its more valuable attributes of using the forum in this manner is that it empowers ALL users to be able to edit and contribute content to the website in a user friendly manner -- and it is automatically subject to a peer review -- can't beat that! 
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