The "Topic" design of this forum allows a user to create a thread of discussion on a particular subject. Only those that are participating in the thread will receive a mail notification (if they so desire) when updates are made to the thread. Otherwise, users will see the Topic highlighted as "new content" the next time they login so that they can peruse the new entries since last time they logged in. It is nice to come back each week or month and be able to see only the new things. It is a pretty cool system that I believe has a lot of potential!
For example:
I posted this "Topic" primarily to share what I thought was some good educational boating information - perfect for advocates/trainers of USPS educational development. Although the system Help does not really describe using the Forum in this manner I am an information junkie (I like to share on the internet), so I think this design works pretty well for sharing content. One of its more valuable attributes of using the forum in this manner is that it empowers ALL users to be able to edit and contribute content to the website in a user friendly manner -- and it is automatically subject to a peer review -- can't beat that!